The impact of COVID-19 is noticeable all over the world. One of the sectors that seriously got affected during this pandemic, is the aviation industry. Flight restrictions and other COVID-19 measures such as social distancing change the experience of traveling. The impact of the restrictions has even resulted in high reduction of flights and passengers.
During my internship at Stage Gate 11, I conducted a study to identify the impact of COVID-19 on the passenger screening process and how Stage Gate 11’s solutions could contribute to touchless screening.
For this research several interviews were conducted with airport operators, to identify bottlenecks caused by COVID-19. Information from those interviews was used to visualize the structure of the screening process before and after COVID-19. The visualization was done by creating several flowcharts which gave insight in the bottlenecks.

As solutions to the found bottlenecks, we introduce the Delta R Shoe Scanner. To analyze the effects of implementation of the Delta R Shoe Scanner, modelling was used to evaluate the throughput of the screening process. The model examines different scenarios that are affected by the bottlenecks caused by COVID-19 measures. The performance analysis on different scenarios shows how the Delta R Shoe Scanner could contribute to a touchless screening.
One of the conclusions of the study is that introducing the Delta R Shoe Scanner in front of the security scanner shows the greatest enhancement of throughput.

General internship evaluation
I studied Aviation Engineering at Amsterdam University of Applied Science with a specialization in Security and Technology. In my 3rd year I had the opportunity to do an internship at the company of my own choice. My interest in aviation security led me to an internship at Stage Gate 11 where I have gained relevant work experience.
At Stage Gate 11, I conducted a research on the impact of COVID-19 on the passenger screening process at airports and how Stage Gate 11’s solutions could contribute to a touchless screening. With the help of Stage Gate 11, I broadened my network by interviewing relevant stakeholders and identify the bottlenecks caused by COVID-19.
For this study, I chose to do research on how Delta R Shoe Scanner could be effectively applied in the post-COVID-19 passenger screening, by modelling. The model examines different scenarios that are affected by the bottlenecks caused by COVID-19 measures. The performance analysis on different scenarios shows how Stage Gate 11 solutions could contribute to a touchless screening.
I am grateful for the help provided by Stage Gate 11. The team within Stage Gate 11 are friendly, helpful, and open-minded. There was a lot of room to develop myself personally, professionally, and academically. My company internship supervisor, Rob Satink, helped me understand the expected work ethic, both from professional and academic aspects.
I am happy to have been part of the team and carry out a study that has contributed to the further development of Delta R technology in aviation security.