Delta R

Delta R

Shoe Scanner | AR

The product

Touchless Alarm Resolution on Shoes
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Alarm resolution on shoes disrupts passengers flow dramatically
Delta R

Our Starting Point

Alarm resolution on shoes disrupts passengers flow dramatically

Alarms, raised on shoes need to be resolved. Today, this means taking of the shoes for an X-ray inspection or an ETD-procedure. Both concepts of operations are time consuming, occupies additional actions of an agent and disturbs the passenger flow. This results in a much lower throughput of the security lane and a bad passenger experience. The Delta R Shoe Scanner AR is specially developed to resolve alarms on shoes by using a convenient scanning method. The Delta R SV accomplished this through non-contact remote sensing technology, which is convenient, fast and hygienic. The AR-solution has evolved from the Delta R Shoe Scanner to enable high-fidelity scans of shoes and the lower leg area.

Shoe Scanner AR concept

Seamless flow, smart solution
  • High Uptime

    The equipment operates based on a stand-off detection principle, and thus does not go down as a result of a possible alarm or confuser substance having been introduced into the equipment.

  • Touchless

    Passengers can keep their shoes on while being scanned, allowing for more passenger and agent friendly screening without inconvenient physical contact between agent, passengers or device.

  • High Throughput

    Even while servicing two lanes and high alarm rates, the Delta R AR can keep up.

  • Autonomous Detection

    The scanner is an autonomous solution. No agent is needed to operate the device and with API it can be integrated in existing user interfaces.

  • Intuitive

    The passenger just needs to step onto the pre-designated spot. Upon activation, the equipment scans the passenger touchless and autonomously, and provides a screening result to the agent.

  • Seamless Operation

    Other than power there are no additional hardware or operators necessary for operations. This makes the solution smart in positioning and seamless in operation.

Shoe Scanner AR concept Seamless flow, smart solution
Delta R Schoescanner AR

Delta R Schoescanner AR

Duration: 1:45

The Statistics

Alarm Resolution on Shoes
  • Optimized lane performance
  • Excellent passenger experience
  • In-line operation

Best solution for alarm resolution

Best solution for alarm resolution

Passengers per minute

Passengers per minute

No need for additional agents

No need for additional agents